A downloadable game for Windows

An "as is" remake of the 1981 Atari VCS 2600 classic "Wizard of Wor".

Made live on Twitch using MonoGame framework. 

Because I'm not a sound design, all sounds were made with my mouth. :p

https://www.twitch.tv/alaiing for more live game dev!


F1/Start : start single player game

F2/Select : start two-player game

Arrows + Space / Gamepad 1 : movements and fire for player 1

YGHJ + F / Gamepad 2 : movements and fire for player 2

Extras :

Edit the "config.ini" file if you'd like to tweak the gameplay a bit (ex. change CAMERA_SHAKE to "true" for extra game feel!)

If the window is too large for your screen, change down the SCREEN_SCALE parameter (it's 8 by default which creates a 1280x912 window)

Source code available here : https://github.com/Alaiing/WizardOfWor2023

Please report any bug in the comment section below!


WizardOfWor.zip 6 MB

Install instructions

Download, unzip and launch WizardOfWor.exe !

Development log


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(1 edit)

When i played the game with my uncle, when we used controllers, player 2 can go up to get out of the cage, but not be able to move up afterwards. and the keyboard worked fine.

Also, just a question. is their a way to change the window size? because the normal size cuts the radar off-screen]

Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I hadn't had the chance to test it with a second controller, sorry about that, It's actually a mistake in the code.

As for the screen size, I will add an option in the config.ini file to choose the scale of the screen (right now it's 8 times the original by default).

I'll post an update soon!

There you go, I uploaded a new version!